Folklore Update (February 2023)

“What’s culturally relevant is valuable to own”

Finn, Folklore Member

Welcome back! It’s been a long few months and we continue to read and discuss together about online culture, communities, and how they are influencing our lives.

Community Updates

As of today, we’ve curated 200 pieces of content. The running list is available here in a google spreadsheet

If you are a Season 1 Member:

A reminder that our linktree has all our community links.

Upcoming Events

  • Join us at ETHDenver for Breakfast on March 5th

  • This week we will publish our first essay by our own community member Finn. Funds from the Writing NFTs will be split between Finn and the Folklore Community Treasury

Other News

  • I’m working on a new project called “LOCAL” helping bridge physical makers to the emerging on-chain economy. Learn more here.

Overall, a note of gratitude to everyone helping build the Folklore space. If you feel lost or confused, read first about decentralised media networks and then about Folklore’s participation process.

Not a member? Join us.

We’ve spent 6 months exploring our current technology. We invite you to purchase a mid-season membership if you’d like to join our journey. The price includes the rest of Season 1, likely until the summer, and Season 2.

A piece of our collective mind

Our community has curated over 200 pieces of content over the past 6 months. And in the Forum, we’ve had the opportunity to learn together. Here are a few choice quotes from our dialogue.

If a quote is yours, message @rafathebuilder on Telegram to claim a special badge.

labyrinths never go anywhere. the labyrinth is always exactly where it is and how it is, and there's only one entry and it's also the exit. no matter where you go in a labyrinth, you always end the journey exactly where the journey started.

Cathedrals are more dynamic. there are various rooms, interconnected hallways, and multiple entries and exits. there are options, which is very much... like... the interior of a labyrinth... right? a lot of decisions.

Entering a room in a cathedral though? only one entry/exit. so that's a labyrinth. whatever story is told in that room has to return to how it began…

Tactics are what works in the meta, but might not work tomorrow—i.e. tips on running Facebook Ads or how to launch a PFP NFT collection. And the meta creates imitation because it works quickly.

Principles are timeless, i.e. focusing your startup on a hyper-specific use case before scaling it. Use of principles can create a meta and let you reap big rewards from that innovation…

One way to maintain a common purpose and group cohesion in larger groups is by defining a strong sense of shared identity with a clear and reiterated purpose, or even a collective mythology…

Beauty in a digital is more about the bones than the skin, more about structure and less about facades, more about content than styles…

Everything online has some stamp of human on it. In a similar way cities are full of right angles (a human invention), there are a lot of proverbial right angles online. In nature, a true right angle doesn’t exist…

perhaps the 'compulsion for production' means that we enjoy solving puzzles that we can see (forward motion) and activation of visual senses… in the coming years as we experiment with how to create greater depth of experiences complemented by digital tech, we might be able to recapture the art of leisure not just as an activity but as a mindset….

Software is only half of the game. The other half is trained cybrarians, knowledge gardeners, and knowledge ecologists…

The battle for “cozy internet” has just begun…

Community management is a kind of infinite scroll where, whether you want or mean it or not, you come to be a node - and it’s hard to boundary that feeling & the privilege / complexity of that position into what we call a job…

The hyper financialization mindset of web3 makes for the hyper productization of community as most peoples moats in web3…

In Focus: Online Communities

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